ETAGREEN Biomass Energy

From biomass to biogas and solar energy

Our showcase waste management-cum-biomass power plant sits on a 18 acre plot of land in the state of Perak, about 120km north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Using empty fruit bunch as its main feedstock, it obtained feed-in tariff approval from the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia in 2014, commencing the supply of electricity to the national grid on 27 August 2014. It has the capability to process up to 1,200 tons of empty fruit bunches per day and generate up to 12.5 megawatts of electricity to the national grid.

Etagreen took over operation of the plant in 2022 and undertook extensive maintenance and upgrading. By improving combustion control and replacing key equipment, we raised plant efficiency and placed it on a sustainable financial footing. We also expanded its range of by-products. The plant is now capable of stable year -round production at high utilization and yield.

To continue improving plant efficiency, we are currently installing equipment to produce energy from biogas and solar sources, in addition to biomass.


Our Impact

Our zero waste plant has since achieved:


Biomass Products

Animal Feed


Sludge Palm Oil

Black Pellet


EFB Fibers